Living Stone Foundation was incorporated in the year 2000, as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. As a Bible-focused spiritual organization, we wish to exalt the name of Jesus through His Gospel. Most of the inscriptions are taken directly from the Bible; many from the King James version.
Here in New England, we are very fortunate to have an abundance of stone beneath our feet. Although there are many different types of stone, granite in various colors and grains is the most prevalent. Its hardness and durability makes many stone masons prefer its use.
A real attraction of the rock used here at Living Stone Foundation is that 90% of it is rejected material. Eventually, these “rejects”, found in the scrap piles of the quarries are often crushed into small trap rock and sold for road building or drainage work. Is it not ironic that these large rejected stones symbolize the way Jesus was treated. In 1 Peter 2:4 Peter urges his listeners to “Draw near to Him a Living Stone, rejected indeed by men, but honored and chosen by God.“
Our Founders

Bob Tellier

Carol Tellier
Our Board of Directors

Volunteers / Donors
Since the Cornerstone at Ecce Homo was set in 1990, there have been many who have toiled to make this project come to life (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Since Bob went to be with Jesus in 2010, the pace has picked up. A dedicated team of laborers have committed most of their spare time to the Lord. New skills and new techniques have allowed us to cut God’s Word into more stone.
Dozens of friends, like you, have participated in some way. Here are a few of those who have chosen to honor God in this place with their skills and resources.