THE JOURNEY BEGAN in 1967. Bob and Carol Tellier, recently married, put a $50 deposit on 20+ acres of land, near the summit of the hill along Wachusett Street in Leominster, MA. The Early American styled main house was designed and built shortly thereafter. Bob was a Leominster school teacher and Carol worked for Mohawk Wire & Cable, a local electrical supplier, at that time.
Several years later, Carol began a new career, working for “Mary Kay”, a company that teaches its people to “put God first…family second… and career third”! That practice of priorities launched Carol into lifelong ministry and service. Yes, she taught classes and held many meetings with Mary Kay specialists, providing encouragement and instruction. But those encounters became an opportunity for Carol to share the Gospel of Jesus with countless ladies over the years. Carol’s initiatives eventually led her to become a Director, but it also impacted and changed many women’s lives, who now call Jesus their Savior.
A significant part of Carol’s work involved leading regular training sessions, which she initially held in local rented facilities. Eventually, she and Bob agreed that a “Mary Kay” wing should be added to their original house, so that Carol could more efficiently hold meetings from home. (Note the Mary Kay wing is at the right side of the residence, below the cupola.)

This story-book beginning took an unplanned twist in April of 1974, when Bob, then 32, suffered the first of two heart attacks that same year! Ironically, Bob’s father had died from heart issues, just 3 months before! Thinking he was not long for this world, Bob shifted gears to wildly enjoy what time he had left.

About the time Bob turned 40, he was invited to a men’s breakfast. There, three men shared their personal stories, describing how Jesus Christ had changed their lives. And, God used their testimonies to drastically change Bob’s life. He began to read and study The Bible in earnest. Curiosity prompted him to dig deeper on his own, seeking to find the TRUTH about this famous Rabbi. (Note: you will see “veritas“, latin for truth, engraved in several places about the property)
Amidst these days of Bible research, a visiting friend suggested to Bob the idea of building a large, walk-in chimney at the end of the kitchen. That idea took hold and Bob told Carol convincingly that “We’ll have a big fire in the fireplace when Thanksgiving rolls around“. With hesitation she “believed him” and offered her blessing. Soon, Bob tore the entire end off the kitchen and began to lay out the foundation for the chimney. (Note: At that point, Bob had never mixed cement!”) He hired a mason who agreed to helped get him started. The mason was to stay about 3-weeks. But… on the FIRST DAY, the mason was pressed to take a big job elsewhere! So, the mason showed Bob how to mix cement and together they set the cornerstone. You guessed it… after 1 day, the mason never returned. Bob was on his own!
Carol recalls that Bob was true to his prediction. It was Thanksgiving when they first got to build a fire and use the new chimney. BUT… it was FIVE… Thanksgivings… later!

When you visit DO ASK…
- How is it that TWO different men completed the chimney, when Bob worked alone?
- What does the “spur” sticking out in the middle of the chimney signify?
- What is engraved around the Chimney Cap?
- Why are different languages engraved all over the Chimney? What do they mean?
- How did Bob and Carol survive through the years after Bob retired from teaching?